Gaelscoil Ghráinne Mhaol

Ceisteanna Coitianta (FAQ)

Deciding on the right school for your child takes time, consideration and having the right information. On this page, you'll be able to find the answers to some of the most common questions we receive from interested parents.

Naturally, if you have other questions, please feel free to contact us.

What is a Gaelscoil?

A Gaelscoil conducts all its affairs through the medium of Irish.

Classes are taught through Irish, staff converse through Irish, the business of the Board of Management is conducted through Irish and the pupils ability to communicate through Irish is fostered, encouraged and enhanced from the moment they enter the school.

The school helps to develop the Irish-speaking community inside and outside of its gates.

What is immersion education?

Immersion means that every subject is taught through Irish and that all business and communication in the school is conducted through Irish. In this manner every aspect of the language is absorbed resulting in the student being able to understand and speak the language in a shorter time frame. Studies have found that this is the most effective way to acquire a language.

English as a subject is not taught until first Class. Research has found that students in the immersion system attain greater levels in reading and writing in both English and Irish than the national average.

If my child is taught through the medium of Irish, will this have an effect on his/her English language development?

Yes - a positive effect. Research has proven immersion education benefits the development of the English Language. Children in Irish-medium school achieve higher results in English and Maths due to their having higher general language skills. Children gain a better understanding of the foundations of language – grammar, word formation, sentence order – through immersion education, and they gain transferable skills that help them to learn other languages.

I am worried that my child will not be able to understand the teacher.

There is no need for parents to worry. The immersion approach supports children’s language acquisition through total absorption and involvement. Though teachers will speak in Irish to the children from the very first day, they will use body language, pictures, mime and tone of voice to make sure that the children understand them. Children will at first reply in their first language, but quickly learn to speak Irish to their teacher and their classmates.

Can I send my child to a Gaelscoil even if I have limited/no Irish?

Yes! Over 90% of parents who send their children to Gaelscoileanna have little to no Irish.

My child has special needs. Can I send my child to a Gaelscoil?

Yes. An Irish-Medium school is run in the same manner, with the same resources and funding from the Department of Education, as an English-Medium school. Applications to the Department of Education with regards to special needs assistants are made in the same manner as all primary schools and Irish-medium schools routinely cater for children with physical and intellectual disabilities; sight and hearing difficulties, Autism spectrum disorders, dyslexia, and other SEN.

Feb 20
Scoil Dúnta / School Closed
Mar 17
Lá Fhéile Pádraig - Scoil Dúnta / St Patricks Day - School Closed
Apr 11
Saoire na Cásca (Scoil Dúnta) / Easter Holidays (School Closed)
May 05
Scoil Dúnta / School Closed
Teagmháil linn
Contact Us
Gaelscoil Ghráinne Mhaol,
Bóthar Mhainistir na Gráinsí,
Domhnach Míde,
Baile Átha Cliath 13

01 2552001 / 083 0118539

Suíomh / Location
© 2025 Gaelscoil Ghráinne Mhaol