Gaelscoil Ghráinne Mhaol

Fáilte ón bPríomhoide

Ba mhaith liom fáilte Uí Cheallaigh a chur romhat go Gaelscoil Ghráinne Mhaol. Tá súil agam go gcabhróidh an suíomh seo aithne a chur orainn agus ar chleachtas ár scoile.

Molaim do thuismitheoirí cuairt a thabhairt ar an suíomh go minic. Beidh fógraí, nuacht agus grianghraif á gcur air go rialta.

Is scoil úr nua, illchreidmheach sinn ina bhfuil fáilte roimh chách.

Is í an Ghaeilge teanga chumarsáide agus caidrimh laethúil na scoile. Is iad na leanaí croí lár na scoile agus cuirtear oideachas d’árd chaighdeán ar fail d'ár leanaí trí mheán na Gaeilge i dtimpeallacht sona, cáirdiúl agus cuimsitheach ag aithint difríochtaí aonair agus riachtanais gach páiste.

Aithnímid gurb iad na tuismitheoirí bunoideachasóirí a bpáistí. Tá sonas gach páiste sa scoil rí-thábhachtach do mhúinteoirí agus thuismitheoirí araon agus tá comhoibriú riachtanach chun é seo a chinntiú. Tá fáilte i gconaí roimh bhur dtuairimí agus roimh bhur dtacaíocht agus sinn ag iarraidh timpeallacht thaitneamhach dearfach, foghlama a chruthú do phobal na scoile.

Tá míle fáilte romhat teacht i dteagmháil linn ma tá ceist ar bith agat.

I would like to warmly welcome you all to Gaelscoil Ghráinne Mhaol. I hope our website will help you to get to know us a little bit.

I would encourage parents to visit the site often. We will regularly post news, notices and photographs to keep you up to date with what we are doing from day to day.

We are a new multi denominational Gaelscoil where everyone is welcome.

Our language of communication is Gaeilge. The children are at the very centre of the school and we aim to provide an education of the highest standard through the medium of the Irish language in a happy, friendlly and inclusive atmosphere.

We recognise that parents are the main educators of their children. The happiness of each child is paramount to parents and teachers alike and co-operation is essential for to ensure this. We will always welcome the opinions and support of parents as we endeavour to create an open, enjoyable, positive learning experience for each child.

Le meas

Cliodhna Ní Chearbhaill

Feb 20
Scoil Dúnta / School Closed
Mar 17
Lá Fhéile Pádraig - Scoil Dúnta / St Patricks Day - School Closed
Apr 11
Saoire na Cásca (Scoil Dúnta) / Easter Holidays (School Closed)
May 05
Scoil Dúnta / School Closed
Teagmháil linn
Contact Us
Gaelscoil Ghráinne Mhaol,
Bóthar Mhainistir na Gráinsí,
Domhnach Míde,
Baile Átha Cliath 13

01 2552001 / 083 0118539

Suíomh / Location
© 2025 Gaelscoil Ghráinne Mhaol